Skyfall is committed to the privacy of our users.
This privacy policy applies only to the websites and applications controlled by Skyfall voice communications pvt ltd. and/or its subsidiary and affiliated entities (“Skyfall,” “we,” “our” or “us”) where this privacy policy is posted (collectively, the “Sites”), including, and (collectively “Skyfall Sites”). This privacy policy does not pertain to information that is collected offline.BY USING OUR SITES, YOU CONSENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND TO OUR PROCESSING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION FOR THE PURPOSES STATED BELOW. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR SITES.
Your privacy is important to us and we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the collection and use of the personal information you submit on our Sites. We collect two types of information from visitors to our Sites: (1) Personally Identifiable Information and (2) Non-Personally Identifiable Information, such as your IP address or cookies.
“Personally Identifiable Information” is information that identifies you personally, such as yourname, address, telephone number, email address, or company name. Skyfall collects and storesthe personally identifiable information that you have provided to us. Here are some examples ofmanners in which we may collect personally identifiable information on our Sites:
The above list provides an example of the personally identifiable information that may becollected on our Sites. We will not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you do not want Skyfall to have access to your personally identifiable information, please do not provide it to us.
“Non-Personally Identifiable Information”can be technical information or it can be demographicinformation, such as your age, gender or interests. Non-personally identifiable information doesNOT identify you personally. Here are some examples of the non-personally identifiableinformation that is collected via our Sites and a description of how this information is used:
To enhance your experience with the Sites, we use "cookies" on our Sites. Cookies arealphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through your browser toenable our systems to recognize your browser and to provide features. Cookies, by themselves,do not tell us your e-mail address or other personally identifiable information unless you chooseto provide this information to us by, for example, registering at our Sites. However, once youbecome a customer and furnish the Sites with personally identifiable information, this informationmay be linked to the data stored in the cookie. We use cookies to understand site usage and toimprove the content and offerings on our Sites. For example, we may use cookies to personalizeyour experience at our Sites (e.g., to recognize you when you return to the Sites). Please notethat there are two types of cookies: session-based and persistent-based. Session cookies existonly during one session. They disappear from your computer when you close your browsersoftware or turn off your computer. Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you closeyour browser or turn off your computer. If you have chosen to identify yourself to Skyfall, we usesession cookies containing encrypted information to allow us to uniquely identify you. Each time You log into the Sites, a session cookie containing an encrypted, unique identifier that is tied toyour account is placed on your browser. These session cookies allow us to uniquely identify youwhen you are logged into the Sites and to process your online transactions and requests.Session cookies are required to use our services. Also uses persistent cookies that only we canread and use to identify browsers that have previously visited our Sites. When you purchase ourservices or provide us with personal information, a unique identifier is assigned to you. Thisunique identifier is associated with a persistent cookie that we place on your web browser. Weare especially careful about the security and confidentiality of the information stored in persistentcookies. For example, we do not store account numbers or passwords in persistent cookies. If youdisable your web browser's ability to accept cookies, you will be able to navigate the Sites, butyou will not be able to successfully use some of our services. With most Internet browsers, you canerase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before acookie is stored. Please consult the "Help" section of your browser for more information.However, certain areas of the Sites can be accessed only in conjunction with cookies or similardevices and you should be aware that disabling cookies or similar devices might prevent youfrom accessing some of our content.
Your IP address is a number that lets computers attached to the Internet know where to send youdata—such as the webpages you view. We use this information to deliver our webpages to youupon request, to tailor our Sites to the interests of our users and to measure traffic within ourSites. Your IP address may also be used for identification and security purposes.
Skyfall may also (i) automatically collect non-personally identifiable information about your use ofthe Sites, such as the domain from which you access the Internet, the date and time you accessthe Sites, and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our Sites; and(ii) Use data capture and analysis tools, and other similar tools, to extract, compile and analyzeany non-personally identifiable data or information resulting from your use of the Sites and theservices offered thereon (collectively “Blind Data”). To the extent that any Blind Data is collectedby Skyfall, such Blind Data shall be solely owned by Skyfall and may be used by Skyfall forany lawful business purpose, including, without limitation, analyzing and enhancing the Sites andservices offered hereby, disclosing such Blind Data to third parties for a variety of purposes,including online behavioral advertising. For example, third party vendors, including Google, showour ads on sites on the Internet.
We use your personally identifiable information that is collected on these Sites primarily for thefollowing purposes:
Non-personally identifiable information is used as described above and in other ways aspermitted by applicable laws, including combining non-personally identifiable information withpersonally identifiable information (except with respect to non-personally identifiableinformation collected from children under the age of 13, which is explained at Section D below).
We may share or disclose your personally identifiable information in the following instances:
identifiable information about you from such services. In particular, if you use a credit cardor debit card to purchase services with us, we may use card authorization and fraudscreening services to verify that your card information and address matches theinformation that you supplied to us, and that the card has not been reported as lost orstolen.Please know that you will retain ownership of any information that you may include in youraccount and contact lists and Skyfall will not use contact lists for its own promotional campaignsor sell contact lists to third-parties, subject at all times to Skyfall’s need to access and use suchinformation in order to provide the services pursuant to its Terms of Use and this privacy policy. Except as stated in this privacy policy, or as otherwise stated at the time personally identifiableinformation is gathered, Skyfall will not provide personally identifiable information to third parties whoare not under the direction and control of Skyfall.
We use non-personally identifiable information collected on the Sites in the manner disclosedabove, in the Section A(2). We may share this non-personal information with third parties.
The Sites are not directed at individuals less than thirteen (13) years of age, and Skyfall does notintend to collect any personally identifiable information from such individuals, unless otherwisestated at the time such information is collected.
We communicate with users who subscribe to our services on a regular basis via email as well asvia phone and text message. For example, we may use your email address to confirm yourrequest, to send you notice of payments, to send you information about changes to our productsand services, and to send notices and other disclosures as required by law. We may call you orsend text messages to provide you with reminders in accordance with our service to you. Youcan opt-out of some but not all of these communications, however, they will be primarilyinformational in nature rather than promotional. However, we provide you the opportunity toexercise an opt-out choice if you do not want to receive other types of communication from us,such as emails or updates from us regarding new services and products or if you do not want us toshare your personally identifiable information with third parties. The opt-out choice may beexercised by ticking or un-ticking the appropriate box if such checkbox is available at the pointswhere personally identifiable information is collected or by contacting us. For text messagecommunications, you can opt-out by replying “STOP” to the message that you receive. You alsomay opt-out of receiving certain emails by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link within the text of theemail. We will process your unsubscribe as soon as possible, but please be aware that in somecircumstances you may receive a few more messages until the unsubscribe is processed.
If you’re personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, youmay correct, update, delete or deactivate it by making the change on our member informationpage or by emailing our Customer Support at We will respond to yourrequest to access within 30 days. We will retain your information for as long as your account isactive or as needed to provide you services. We will retain and use your information as necessaryto comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.
Our Sites offer publicly accessible blogs or community forums. Please note that any informationyou include in a message you post to any chat room, forum or other public posting area isavailable to anyone with Internet access. If you don't want people to know your e-mail address,for example, don't include it in any message you post publicly. PLEASE BE EXTREMELY CAREFULWHEN DISCLOSING ANY INFORMATION IN FORUMS AND OTHER PUBLIC POSTING AREAS. WEARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE BY OTHERS OF THE INFORMATION THAT YOUDISCLOSE IN FORUMS AND OTHER PUBLIC POSTING AREAS. To request removal of yourpersonal information from our blog or community forum, contact us at In somecases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let youknow if we are unable to do so and why.
This statement applies solely to information collected on the Sites. The Sites may contain links tothird party websites, whose information practices may be different than Skyfall’s. Visitors shouldconsult such third-party sites’ privacy notices as Skyfall does not have any control overinformation that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties. Skyfall does not make anyrepresentations or warranties as to the security of any information (including, without limitation,credit card and other personal information) you might be requested to give any third party. Theselinks are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by Skyfall of thecontents on such third-party websites. Skyfall cannot ensure that you will be satisfied with andproducts or services that you purchase from a third-party site that links to or from the Sites, sincethese sites are owned and operated by independent retailers. Skyfall is not responsible for thecontent of linked third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the contentor accuracy of materials on such third-party sites. Skyfall has not taken any steps to confirm theaccuracy or reliability of any of the information contained in such third-party sites. If you decide toaccess linked third-party sites, you do so at your own risk. Skyfall strongly encourages you tomake whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with anyonline or off-line transaction with any of these third parties.
We may use advertisers, third party ad networks, and other advertising companies, to serveadvertisements on the Sites or for the Sites. Please be advised that such advertising companiesmay gather information about your visit to the Sites or other sites (such as through cookies, webbeacons and other technologies) to enable such advertising companies to market products orservices to you, to monitor which ads have been served to your browser and which webpagesyou were viewing when such ads were delivered. For example, third-party vendors, includingGoogle, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to our website. Users may opt-out of Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page. Please note, however,that the use of cookies by our partners, affiliates, and service providers is not covered by ourprivacy statement. We do/do not have access or control over these cookies. Our partners,affiliates, and service providers use session ID cookies to allow us to improve site navigation andusage. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE COLLECTION AND USE OFINFORMATION BY SUCH ADVERTISING COMPANIES.
The importance of security for all personally identifiable information associated with visitors to theSites—as well as Skyfall customer information, such as phone numbers, texts, messages,addresses, and other account data—is of utmost concern to Skyfall, and we have implemented, andperiodically review, certain physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to help preventunauthorized access and maintain data security. Your personal information is always safe. OurSecure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best softwareavailable today for secure commerce. It encrypts all of your personal information, includingname, and address.
Unfortunately, due to the open nature of Internet communications, no data transmission over theInternet can be guaranteed to be secure, and thus we cannot guarantee that communicationsbetween you and Skyfall will be free from unauthorized access by third parties. Visitors of theSites and Skyfall customers use the Sites at their own risk.
By accessing the Sites, you signify your assent to the Skyfall Privacy Policy. If you do not agreeto this Privacy Policy, please do not access the Sites. You should visit this page periodically, aswe may, from time to time, update this Privacy Policy and such changes shall be effectiveimmediately upon posting on the Sites and without further notice to you. Your continued accessto the Sites following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy shall be deemed anacceptance of such changes by you. Skyfall will, however, use personally identifiableinformation only in accordance with the version of the Privacy Policy under which the informationwas collected
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at